
OSF Innovation has the power to dramatically change the health care industry by leading the development and use of simulation technology and services in health care. We rely heavily on simulation to train and develop our clinicians, cut health care costs and ultimately transform how we deliver care.

OSF Innovation, through Jump Simulation and the University of Illinois, is expanding the use of simulation to observe, rethink, retool, redefine and test solutions to ensure better care for all. Our access to subject matter experts in engineering, research, data collection and analytics, design and investments is a unique offering in the health care simulation space and allows us to quickly bring new ideas from concept to reality.

A frontrunner among health care simulation centers in the world, Jump Sim and U of I have been collaborating on this type of work since the opening of Jump Simulation & Education Center in 2013. These collaborative efforts within our dedicated labs are changing how health care is delivered.