Suggest an Edit

To request an update to a provider profile, please fill out the form fields below. 

If you do not see the field (i.e. Specialty) below, then that field must be updated in another system, such as EPIC, MSOW, or Cactus. 

Requests will be processed in the order in which they are received, and you will receive a notification when the updates are verified and completed. 

Thank you for helping to keep the OSF HealthCare website up-to-date. 

* indicates a required field.

Contact Information

Please type the contact's full name.
Please provide a valid email for update request verification and notifications.

Please provide a contact phone number.

Provider Information

Please type the provider's first name.

One (1) initial only.
Please type the provider's last name.

Example: MD, DO, PhD, APN, PA
In order to verify your identity, please provide your National Provider ID number.
Please provide the provider's email for update request verification and notifications.

Requested Updates

Please fill out ONLY the provider fields you wish to update below. Please Note: For fields such as Preferred Provider status, online scheduling availability or specialty, please submit a request to update the source system data via the OSF Service Center.

Example: English, Spanish, Hindi, German

Images must be at least 1200px wide by 1200px tall in JPEG or PNG format. Professional headshots only, taken within the past five (5) years. Combined file sizes cannot exceed 15MB

If you would like a personal narrative biography added to your profile, please submit a Microsoft Word Docment, Adobe PDF, or text file with the biography. Combined file sizes cannot exceed 15MB

Education Information

Format: Surgery - Southern Illinois University School of Medicine (2006)

Format: Pediatrics - University of Illinois College of Medicine (1988)

Format: Internal Medicine - University of Illinois College of Medicine (1994)

Format: Muscular Disorders - University of Illinois at Chicago (1990)

Format: Cardiovascular Disease - American Board of Internal Medicine (2019)

Clinical Information

If you would like to add or remove a search keyword from your profile, please let us know.

We respect and safeguard your privacy. This form is secure.