Understanding Breastfeeding

Understanding Breastfeeding Registration Closed

OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center - St. Anthony Room
5666 East State Street
Rockford, IL 61108
(815) 226-2000
Map & Directions

Instructors: Kendra Struven, Taylor Fry

Address questions about this event to
OSF SAMC Family Birthing Center at 815-395-5226.

July 17, 2023

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Rockford, IL 61108

This evidence-based presentation includes all the current information on why breastfeeding is important and how to get off to a good start.  

Our nurse international board-certified lactation consultant will educate you about breastfeeding and caring for your newborn.  

Partners are strongly encouraged to attend.


This class is held in the Saint Anthony Room. Enter through main hospital entrance and go to the right.