Learning Resource Center

The Sister Mary Linus Learning Resource Center is located on the fourth floor of the Saint Anthony College of Nursing building on the Rock Valley College campus.

sacn-library.jpgIt provides access to a wide variety of research materials, including physical resources, online resources provided by OSF HealthCare and materials obtained through interlibrary loan.

Learning Resource Center hours follow the College of Nursing academic calendar. Hours change each semester, during breaks and between semesters.

The Learning Resource Center may be un-staffed occasionally without prior notice due to small staff size. In these cases, help may be obtained from the college receptionist at (815) 282-7900.


After registering their IDs at the circulation desk, Saint Anthony College of Nursing students, staff, and faculty may check out materials for the following lengths of time:

Media Length of Time
Books 3 weeks
Reserves In-library use only
Journals Do not circulate
Videos In-library use; overnight check-out allowed

Materials may be renewed once. Students may place holds on materials that are checked out. If an item is on hold, it cannot be renewed.

Overdue fines are not charged, however if materials are lost, the borrower is responsible for replacing the materials.

Only Saint Anthony College of Nursing and OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center-affiliated patrons may check out library materials.

sanc-nurse-typing-computer.jpgLRC Computers

Computers for academic use are provided in the SACN Library, in RVC Classroom #8. Computer use is first come, first served.  The SAMC Medical Library also has computers that are accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Personal software may not be installed on college computers.

Librarians can assist with use of electronic courseware and computer-based instruction programs. They can also troubleshoot technical problems.

Users are expected to be proficient in non-course related software such as word processing and spreadsheet programs.

Local community colleges offer classes in basic computer programs for individuals who need additional instruction.

Study Rooms


Four group study rooms are located  outside the Library’s main entrance.  Each seats four to six people.

Study room use is first come, first served unless a reservation is in place at the desired time.  Rooms may be reserved 24 hours in advance. 

Call the college's front desk at (815) 282-7900 to make reservations.

Interlibrary Loan

Library staff can order articles and books from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).  The service is available to Saint Anthony College of Nursing students, faculty, and staff. 

Please ask a librarian for an ILL form or use the "Request an Interlibrary Loan Item" link below to submit an ILL request. 

Items can usually be obtained at no cost; however, if a free source is not available the patron must pay any fees charged by the lending institution.

Request an Interlibrary Loan

Useful Websites

OSF Library (Online)
Provides links to the online catalog, article databases, EBM resources, e-books, drug information, and online journal holdings

Library Catalog
Search for holdings at the SACN Library and other facilities throughout OSF HealthCare

World's largest network of library content and services

Integrated online catalog with holdings from 86 libraries