Online Education

Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing degree programs include online education components that allow you to attend online nursing courses and complete assignments from remote locations, using your personal computer.

Some programs do require your physical presence on campus for clinical rotations and practicums. Others, such as RN to BSN, are 100% online nursing degree programs.

Students on a traditional BSN track are required to attend classes and clinicals on campus, although some courses are available online and research classes are strictly online. 

The graduate program for Family Nurse Practitioner requires on-campus presence for two four-day practicums and the final proficiency in the last practicum. Classes are available online, and clinicals can be completed in the student’s home area.

The graduate program for Adult Gerontology Acute Care requires the student's on campus presence for 1-4 days for each of the four practicum courses. Classes are available online.

Our faculty are committed to providing you the highest quality learning experience, which includes being accessible to you.


Our instructional design and technology specialist is dedicated to assisting faculty in providing active learning opportunities for students, increasing the effectiveness of current communication channels and supporting all faculty, staff and students in their use of technology.

Some of the technologies we utilize to facilitate engaged, active learning include:

  • A learning management system for all courses
  • Wireless classrooms for interactive group activities
  • Simulations labs that include SimMan, SimBaby, SimMan 3G, SimMom, SimNewB, and SimMan essentials 
  • A videoconferencing system

Minimum Device Requirements

All College of Nursing students are required to have and use a Microsoft Windows based computer and a .edu email account.  You may use the College's computer labs in addition to your own personal computer.

Your personal computer will need the following:


  • Microsoft Windows PC
  • Intel Core i5 processor
  • 8GB RAM
  • 500GB hard drive
  • Wifi 6 (802.11ax)
  • HDMI port
  • USB 3 port
  • 15" HD display
  • High capacity battery charged for class
  • Video conferencing capability (microphone, speakers, webcam)
  • Headphones


Check with your professor for additional  requirements specific to their course.

Technical Support

If you have any questions or concerns regarding computers, the learning management system, and/or student information system, please contact: