Nurse Educator

Graduate students who select the 37 credit hour nursing educator option will be prepared to design and use multiple educational delivery systems and teaching strategies.

In addition, the graduates will be able to develop, implement, and evaluate curriculum that will prepare nurses who are responsive to current and future health care systems.


First Year

Course Semester
500 Theoretical Foundations (3) Fall
710 Biostats (3) 8 weeks Fall
726 EBP (3) Spring
532 Foundations of Ed (3) Spring
756 DEI in Systems and Patient Populations (3) Summer

Second Year

Course Semester
531 3Ps (3) Fall
753 Ethics, Policy and Law (3) Fall
540 Evaluation Str Ed (3) Spring
536 Roles/Issues Ed (3) Spring
816 Finance & Leadership (4) Summer

Third Year

Course Semester
600.1 Educator Practicum (3) (192 Prac Hours) Fall
600.2 Educator Practicum (3) (192 Prac Hours) Fall

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