Frequently Asked Questions


  • Where are you located? What are the hours?

  • We have offices all over Illinois and one in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

  • Do you accept walk-ins?

  • We do not accept walk-ins.

    To make an appointment, talk to your primary care provider about a referral or call our office.

  • How long will the appointment be?

  • Your appointment time will vary depending on the need for testing and the treatment provided.

  • Why does it take so long to get an appointment?

  • We prioritize care by emergency and need.

    A person who requires a specialist will be evaluated and an appointment scheduled based off of the level of care the person needs.

Billing & Insurance


  • Do you see patients for neck, back or spine issues?

  • Yes. Both OSF Orthopedics and OSF Illinois Neurological Institute offer treatment for neck, back and spinal diseases and conditions.

  • What parts of the body does each doctor specialize in?

  • Orthopedic generalists evaluate, diagnose and treat diseases, conditions and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

    This can be completed conservatively or with surgery and corrective mechanical devices.

    They take care of bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerves – everything that allows you to move, work and be active.

    Many of our generalists have subspecialties in specific areas of the body or disciplines like sports medicine and pediatrics.

  • Can you fill my prescriptions from my primary care provider?

  • No, because your primary care provider is managing your condition, it is best to have them refill your prescriptions.  

  • Why can't I just get pain pills instead of treatments?

  • Pain medication does not treat the problem and should only be used to help control pain as your condition is treated. 

  • Why can't you just do the surgery to correct my issue?

  • In order for you to enjoy as active a life as you can, we treat conservatively.

    Surgery is a last resort or used only when necessary. We often try physical or occupational therapy first.

    In addition, insurance providers have requirements that must be met.

  • Are X-rays done in the office or the hospital?

  • You may have X-rays taken at a variety of locations depending upon the circumstances, including doctor's office, hospital, urgent care center or outpatient imaging center.

  • Do I have to use an OSF hospital for the procedure?

  • Procedures can be completed at an OSF hospital or ambulatory surgical center. 

    However, we must consider the following requirements when scheduling a procedure: provider availability, surgery availability and insurance requirements and authorization.